About us

About us

1+ years
of experience


Who we are

We align your business objectives with your clients' needs

We envision a world where interior designers can easily get new clients. Our vision is to be the go-to partner for interior designers attract the right clients, and achieve sustainable growth.


We are proud of our creative team

Our marketing team can enhance and boost your project to new heights.

Customer satisfaction
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Premium support
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Quality products
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Time line

The story of Pujan Vasania, Founder and CEO

Pujan Vasania, began his journey in the tech world just four years ago.


The coding world

During the global lockdown, while many found themselves facing uncertainty, Pujan saw an opportunity. With a curious mind and a drive to learn, he dove into the world of coding and full-stack development. For 1.5 years, he dedicated himself to mastering these skills, immersing himself in countless hours of learning and practice. His efforts soon paid off when he landed an internship that lasted a year, giving him valuable hands-on experience and further sharpening his technical abilities.

Getting into the marketing world

However, Pujan's journey didn’t stop there. Alongside his growing expertise in development, he found himself increasingly fascinated by the power of sales and marketing. With an eye on the future, he enrolled in an 'A to Z Digital Marketing' course, which laid the foundation for his next career move. Armed with this new knowledge, he transitioned into freelancing, combining his tech skills with his marketing acumen. During this phase, he worked tirelessly for a year, navigating the world of digital marketing and steadily building his client base.


The freelance Phase and the start of Finatic SItes

Pujan's freelancing success soon brought in his first two clients. The experience of working directly with clients fueled his passion and set his sights on bigger goals. Just three months later, he was ready for the next big step. With a vision in mind, he established Finatic Sites in August 2024. What started as a solo endeavor quickly evolved into a growing business. By September, the agency had expanded to include a team of two talented interns, marking the beginning of a promising venture.

Future GOAL

Fast forward to today, and Finatic Sites is on a path toward remarkable success. With Pujan’s leadership and strategic vision, the agency promises to generate an impressive revenue of 50 crore for interior designers by the end of 2024. From a tech enthusiast during the lockdown to the CEO of a rapidly growing digital agency, Pujan Vasania’s story is one of passion, persistence, and an unwavering belief in the power of learning and growth.

Dec 2024

We are a creative and results-driven marketing agency that specializes in developing and executing perfect ad’s that deliver more sales for our clients.

©2024 Finatic Sites